Tag: Puerto Rico Page 1 of 2

How Do Anole Species Tell Each Other Apart?

When it comes to finding a mate or defending a territory, animals need to recognise members of their own species. The reasons are intuitive: you only want to mate with your own species to ensure viable offspring, and you should only invest the effort in being territorial when confronted by rivals from your own species. There are exceptions and these are interesting—hybridization or territorial competition between species—but generally animals need a system for species recognition.

The large, often spectacularly coloured throat fan or dewlap of anoles seems like an obvious way to evaluate species identity. Taxonomists have historically thought so, too. Each species appears to display a dewlap that’s unique in colour and pattern. But there are various Anole Annals posts highlighting this is not always the case. Instead, the colour of the dewlap is often an adaptation to the light environment for enhancing the detection of territorial displays.

So what about those territorial displays? Might anoles use the complex movements of the head-bob and push-up display to figure out species identity?

Classic work by Charles Carpenter and Tom Jenssen revealed how often the head-bob movements of lizards, and anoles in particular, seemed specific to each species. Pioneering experiments using video playback by Joe Macedonia in the ’90s has also provided evidence that anoles are able to distinguish displaying rivals of their own species from those of other species. But what is it about the pattern of movements used in the head-bob and push-up display, or even how the dewlap is extended and retracted, that conveys species identity? Is there one feature that varies the most among species that anoles commonly rely on to identify species?

Display-Action-Pattern graphs (above) showing the complexity of movements used by Puerto Rican anoles for territorial advertisement displays

These are hard questions to answer. Anole displays are complex, using many different types of movements, so there’s a huge number of possibilities. One approach would be to isolate and manipulate each type of movement and use video or robot playbacks to ask the anoles themselves. But doing that would take an entire career. There are a seemingly infinite number of combinations to consider. In fact, it would be impossible without a way to narrow things down.

Claire Nelson is a creative (and courageous!) graduate student who had an eye for solving the challenge. She figured it was possible to leverage the large archive of footage I’d accumulated over many, many years. These videos were of free-living male lizards performing territorial advertisement displays. Her idea was to develop an objective method for identifying which movements used in the head-bob, push-up or dewlap display had the potential to convey species identity. She’s just published her solution in Animal Behaviour.

Claire (above) doing a balancing act with some non-anoles

Claire used this archive of display videos to create Display-Action-Pattern graphs, a method developed by Carpenter back in the 60s. These track the up-and-down movement of head-bobs and push-ups as well as the extensions and retractions of the dewlap during the territorial display. To keep it manageable, she limited her efforts to anole species on Puerto Rico, and graphs of about 10 territorial advertisement displays per male. But there was an important biological reason for selecting this number of displays as well. It effectively mimicked the number of displays an anole might typically see on first encountering another lizard. That is, anoles likely make judgements on species identity from only a handful of displays.

From these Display-Action-Pattern graphs, Claire took a host of measures, ranging from the duration and number of movements used, to variation in amplitude and pauses between movements. She also noticed that anoles tend to perform certain combinations of movements together in what she came to call ‘motifs.’ After many many hours of effort, Claire accumulated a huge amount of data for nearly 20 different types of display movement for eight Puerto Rican Anolis species, and in many cases, for different populations of the same species.

Claire asked me for advice on how to analyse it all. I have to admit I was completely useless on this front. I muddled something about using coefficients of variation and some other nonsense, but really I had no idea. I was still in shock over how much data she had accumulated, and the novelty (and implications) of discovering motifs in the displays. She knew what she was doing, though. Her analytical solution was vastly superior to anything I could have suggested.

Claire investigated a variety of approaches, but in the end she settled on the method of random forest tree classification. It’s a sophisticated machine learning algorithm that, in a nutshell, takes data and groups like with like. It doesn’t require any prior direction or preconceived notion on how data should be grouped. It just uses the variation in the data itself. You could view the algorithm as an anole brain using basic rules of variation to make judgements on which displays are likely to be different and which displays are likely to be the same.

The outcome was impressive. The algorithm correctly assigned the vast majority of lizards to their correct species based on just a handful of displays. Where errors occurred, it was partly because lizards were assigned to the right species, but the wrong population. This means anoles from different populations tend to share some display features because they’re still from the same species. Yet the algorithm was able to correctly assign most lizards to the right population. In other words, there was still enough variation in the displays between populations of the same species to identify them as belonging to separate populations. This is very interesting!

Random forest tree classification (above) can assign over two thirds of displaying lizards to their correct species.

The evolution of new species begins with individuals of the same species starting to segregate from each other in some way. Often it’s physical separation (on opposite sides of a mountain range), but changes in social signals can also prompt behavioral separation as well. This could be the case for some anoles on Puerto Rico. Once individuals stop recognising each other as the same species, they no longer reproduce with one another, and the door to speciation is propped open.

The other discovery Claire made was the apparent lack of any common display feature that could be used to identify species (and population identity). Instead, different features were important for different species. The duration and number of headbob movements were features that could be used to identify the territorial displays of Anolis poncensis—a species that is striking in its use of lots of extremely rapid, up and down body movements—whereas the way the dewlap was extended was influential in identifying different populations of Anolis gundlachi—a species that has an unusually long dewlap display. Other species like Anolis pulchellus and Anolis krugi were best identified by effectively considering features of the entire territorial display.

Whether or not anoles actually use the features identified by the algorithm in species recognition remains an open question. But Claire has managed to identify the potential candidate cues that could be used. It is now possible to develop a focussed research program to test whether, and how, anoles used these features to identify species. Again, the obvious way to do this would be to ask the lizards themselves using robot playbacks.

Random forest tree classification sounds awfully complicated, and it is very sophisticated, but it’s actually easy to implement. Any dummy can do it. I taught myself how and wrote a step-by-step tutorial so you can as well. We’ve published this tutorial alongside Claire’s paper in Animal Behaviour. Give it a whirl!

#DidYouAnole – Anolis gundlachi

Photo: macrhybopsis, iNaturalist

I think as far as anole common names go, Yellow-beard is a top 10 name, just barely, but it’s up there.

The Yellow-beard anole, Anolis gundlachi, is endemic to Puerto Rico which is so overflowing with anoles I think it’s a little bit unfair at this point. With an SVL of about 68 mm in males and 45 mm in females, these medium sized anoles live at high elevations in the forest.

Yellow-beard anoles, following that trunk-ground color scheme, are dark olive to brown with darker striping across their backs and a pale colored ventral side. Their dewlaps aren’t quite yellow but are more of a mustard-brown, and their chins have a touch of pale yellow (Yellow-chinned anole doesn’t sound as good as Yellow-beard though). Males often have tail crests!

Photo: Steve Maldonado Silvestrini, iNaturalist

Like many of the anoles we know and love, Yellow-beards may eat other anoles and frogs that can fit in its mouth.

Yellow-beard anoles are often parasitized by malaria, and while more research needs to be done on parasite in this anole, there are existing ones noting tail damage in infected anoles and that males are more often infected, and another noting no significant decrease in overall body condition that you can check out.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis pulchellus

Photo: Steve Silvestrini, iNaturalist

Hello again!

I thought we’d continue with very small anoles and so I picked another grass-bush anole! Anolis pulchellus, also known as the Puerto Rican bush anole or the Sharp-mouthed lizard (locally).

This anole is from Puerto Rico, but is also found on the islands of Culebra, Vieques, and a majority of the Virgin Islands. The Sharp-mouthed lizard is one of the most common lizards in Puerto Rico. They have an average SVL of 35-43 mm and are yellow-brown in colour with a lateral tan stripe from its mouth to the base of its tail. The dewlaps of the males are purple at the neck, fading into crimson.

Photo: Alex Gunderson, Twitter

It has been reported to show aquatic tendencies, jumping into nearby water when approached and swimming to safety. They are also able to sit on the surface of the water without penetrating it, and when submerged, they have a silvery appearance due to a thin layer of air surrounding its body, much like Anolis aquaticus.

In another unexpected move from this tiny anole, it has also been found engaging in carnivory. Carnivory tends to be common in anoles, but usually in the ones larger than the grass-bush ecomorph, think Crested Anoles, and they eat lizards smaller themselves. Here you can find a report of a Sharp-mouth lizard consuming a Big-scaled Dwarf gecko.

Photo: Kevin de Queiroz, Jonathan Losos

Evidence also suggests that Sharp-mouthed anoles may be hybridising with another, very similar grass anole found in Puerto Rico, Anolis krugi. Check out the post (and paper) on this here.

#DidYouAnole – Anolis cuvieri

Photo by Jorge Velez-Juarbe, iNaturalist

Happy Anole Day!

Here’s another crown-giant anole, Anolis cuvieri, the Puerto Rican Giant anole.


The Puerto Rican Giant anole is, as the name suggests, native to Puerto Rico. These anoles typically have an SVL of 132 mm, and both sexes have large tail crests. While these bright green anoles can turn darken and turn brown, this species also has a rare brown morph! Juvenile cuvieri are grey-brown with striping and shift to their signature green when they mature.

Photo by Graham Reynolds

They eat insects, mainly beetles, moths and butterflies, and also occasionally fruit, snails, birds and of course, other anoles.

Photo by sas103, iNaturalist

Puerto Rican Giant anoles prefer rainforest and can be found where there are lots of large trees together.

Sleeping Behavior of the Puerto Rican Twig Anole, Anolis occultus

In August, we published a paper in the Caribbean Journal of Science entitled, “Sleeping Behavior of the Secretive Puerto Rican Twig Anole, Anolis occultus.” Check out our new post on the Chipojo Lab blog about the paper!

Levi Storks, Manuel Leal. 2020. Sleeping Behavior of the Secretive Puerto Rican Twig Anole, Anolis occultus. Caribbean Journal of Science 50(1):178–87.

Evolution 2019: Comparative Landscape Genetics and Epigenetics in Anolis Lizards

The field of landscape genetics seeks to understand how patterns of genetic diversity vary across a landscape. But an organism’s traits are not just determined by their genome – they are also impacted by processes that affect the way the genome is expressed. The study of such mechanisms (i.e. heritable non-genetically based gene expression) is known as epigenetics, and has become a topic of great interested to evolutionary biologists who aim to understand the processes by which phenotypes change over time and space. Non-genetically based phenotypes can be the targets of selection, can impact the plasticity of traits in different environments, and more.

Understanding the impact of epigenetics on evolutionary processes is difficult, because it is hard to disentangle the genetic and epigenetic effects on phenotypes. Of course, epigenetics are not independent from the underlying genetic code – the genes that are expressed are a part of the genome after all. Thus because populations differ in genetic structure, it is difficult to determine whether differences in phenotypes across populations are driven by genetic changes, or epigenetic changes. To understand the influence of epigenetic changes on phenotypes, it is necessary to “subtract” the effects of the underlying genetic variation.

Ian Wang decided to tackle this problem using a well-studied Anolis species, A. cristatellus. Wang is interested in understanding what factors drive epigenetic patterns; but before understanding the factors involved, it is first necessary to describe the patterns. Wang chose to focus on A. cristatellus because it is distributed widely and throughout various environments on the island of Puerto Rico, and is therefore a good candidate for understanding how populations diverge across geographic regions (i.e. isolation by distance) and in different habitats (i.e. isolation by environment).

Wang and colleagues collected tissues from 8 localities, some of which were located in the xeric southwest, and some of which were located in the mesic interior. He performed RRBS sequencing,  which captures information about methylated regions of DNA, and therefore provides information on variation in gene expression across populations (i.e. epigenetic variation). He also performed ddRAD sequencing, which captures information about genetic differences across populations (i.e. genetic variation).

In analyzing these two complementary datasets, Wang found that epigenetic and genetic distances were correlated between populations – that is to say, populations with high genetic divergence also had high epigenetic divergence. Recall that epigenetics are to not wholly independent from genetics, so this result is expected. However, each of these two types of variation – genetic and epigenetic – were also influenced by other factors.

In terms of genetic divergence, geographic distance was the strongest correlate – populations that were close to one another were more similar than populations that were further away. Interestingly, temperature and vegetation also appeared to play a role as well. In terms of epigenetic divergence, genetic distance (as represented by Fst) was the strongest predictor. Interestingly, however, vegetation was also a strong predictor as well. This suggests that on top of the genetic changes that accumulate when populations diverge, additional epigenetic shifts have also occurred, and are likely impacting the populations’ fitness in their respective environments.

These results highlight the importance of considering both genetic and epigenetic changes in studies of adaptive variation. Genomes alone may not explain the whole story! Wang is continuing this research in multiple avenues, including  comparing results across species (e.g. comparing results from A. cristatellus to another trunk ground anole, A. cybotes on Hispaniola), and digging deeper into the functions of individual outlier loci from the RRBS sequencing. Looking forward to hearing more about this emerging perspective on adaptation in anoles!


Evolution 2019: Can Archival DNA Illuminate A. roosevelti’s Evolutionary History?

Resolving how extinct species are related to extant ones is often a challenge, as we may not possess the right information, especially genetic data, needed to understand how these species evolved from others. Recently, scientists have increasingly employed archival DNA, or DNA taken from preserved specimens such as those in natural history collections, to understand the evolution of extinct species, including the quagga and thylacine among others.

Thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) in the National Zoo, Washington D.C. (Smithsonian Institute).

Fortunately, to our best knowledge, only one species of anole is suspected to have become extinct in historical times, Anolis roosevelti, the presumed crown giant anole of the eastern Puerto Rico Bank, where it was found on Vieques, Culebra, St. John, and Tortola. Something of a holy grail for anolologists, many researchers have done their best Indiana Jones and taken a crack at finding living A. roosevelti, including some truly heroic fieldwork.

Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, with the known distribution of Anolis
roosevelti (stars). From west to east: Vieques, Culebra, St. John, and Tortola. From Mayer and Gamble 2019.

Despite these efforts, no live individuals have been found. Only six specimens of A. roosevelti are known to exist and thus are precious records of this presumably lost species. Previous work has used quantitative characters to attempt to resolve the placement of A. roosevelti in the anole phylogeny, but genetic data is the gold standard for describing evolutionary relationships. Could archival DNA from these specimens, preserved at museums across the world, resolve how A. roosevelti is related to extant species?

MCZ 36138, the holotype of Anolis roosevelti. Laszlo Meszoly, del. From Mayer and Gamble 2019.

Greg Mayer at University of Wisconsin-Parkside and Tony Gamble at Marquette University have embarked on their own quest to answer this question. First, Greg tracked down all six known specimens of A. roosevelti. He determined that they have all been preserved in ethanol, rather than formalin, indicating a reasonable chance of obtaining DNA from these individuals. Because the roosevelti specimens are so precious, Greg and Tony worked to generate a proof of concept for the use of archival DNA sequencing on them. They extracted DNA from specimens of the common crested anole (Anolis cristatellus) preserved using the same methods by the same collectors and at the same times and general locations.

One of the six extant specimens of A. roosevelti (ZMUK 37642, Vieques, A.H. Riise; photo by Mogens Andersen).

They were able to successfully extract and sequence at least partial mitogenomes from 5 of 8 historical samples, including some preserved as far back as 1861! The sequences from these archival specimens clustered with those collected contemporaneously from similar localities. These results indicate that the sequencing of archival DNA provides quality data and that similar procedures are likely to be effective in A. roosevelti specimens.

Greg and Tony’s next step is to obtain tissue from these important specimens, sequence their mitogenomes, and add to our knowledge of this presumably extinct species. Stay tuned for their findings!

For more info, check out the article in Anolis Newsletter VII:

Mayer, G. C. and T. Gamble. 2019. Using archival DNA to elucidate anole phylogeny. Anolis Newsletter VII, p. 158-168. Eds. Stroud, J.T., Geneva, A.J., Losos, J.B. Washington University, St. Louis MO.

One Year after Hurricane Maria: Are Anoles Recovering?

Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Maria made landfall in the southeast of Puerto Rico and then traversed the island diagonally, causing widespread and lasting destruction.

The storm

It has been 14 months since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. The category 4 hurricane was the largest and most destructive to hit the island in the last 90 years. What was particularly destructive about this hurricane, other than its magnitude and strength, was that its path cut diagonally across the island, ensuring that from coast to coast nothing was left untouched.

Hurricane Maria

Satellite imagery of when the lights went out in the brightest region of the Caribbean.

You have probably heard about the hurricane’s effect on humans: months of ensuing darkness, destroyed roads, houses leveled and roofs torn clean off, no fresh water, and significantly crippled infrastructure and public services leading to over 1,000 lives lost when it all was over.

I’ve been back to the island now twice since the hurricane, once in January of 2018 and once last week (November 2018).

Four months post-hurricane

The destruction to both urban and forest areas was jaw-dropping when I visited in January to help Kevin Aviles-Rodriguez (UMass Boston) launch a project on urban lizard recovery and natural selection following hurricanes. (Side note – this research has yielded some really intriguing results so far and I look forward to Kevin sharing those with us here at Anole Annals in the future!) On that trip, four months after the hurricane, I found the island in disrepair. Many people still had no power or clean water, stoplights and electrical lines dangled from their snapped poles island-wide, roofs were covered in blue tarps, and driving involved dodging car-eating potholes, downed power lines, and debris. Most stores and restaurants were closed and many roads were impassable.

A stand of trees on the west coast four months post-hurricane (near Rincón).

The trees left standing in urban areas were bare toothpicks. I’m told that immediately following the hurricane, the leaves looked like green snow coating the ground several inches thick. Most of the trees that survived were the large and common urban species: mango, flamboyán, ceiba–leafless but still rooted. When we visited the forests I was equally shocked by the destruction: trees looked as if someone clipped them all off clean around 15 feet up, the canopy was gone and all of the large trees like Cecropia and Cocoloba were downed. Lianas had taken over giving the forests a bushy, surreal appearance. I left the island that January wondering how long it would take to recover; the human side and nature side alike had a long road ahead of them.

Forest post hurricane Maria

What was once closed-canopy secondary forest on the north coast (near Arecibo).

Fourteen months post-hurricane

When I returned last week, now 14 months post-hurricane, I was pleasantly surprised to see the island was recovering. Roads had been repaired, power had been restored, stoplights were working, debris had been cleared, restaurants and stores were open, and houses rebuilt. From the human side of things, the island seemed to be recovering. On the west side of the island, the leaves of the large trees had returned. Forested areas had more dense understory than typical and the canopy was still fairly open, but overall it seemed like the forests and urban areas were both returning to normalcy. I found many urban lizards without a problem, including Anolis cristatellus, A. pulchellus, A. stratulus, Ameiva exsul and the non-native green iguana. I was surprised however, that the nights were eerily quiet. The familiar ear piercing chorus of coqui was reduced to intermittent calls of only a few individuals. The coqui don’t seem to have recovered quite as well as the anoles.

Many challenges certainly still face the residents of the island, but it was starting to look more like the Puerto Rico I knew. So it was quite a shock when I visited the newly re-opened El Yunque National Park. El Yunque was hit particularly hard by the hurricane as the first landfall was just south of the forest near Yabucoa. Strong bands of wind pummeled the area, leading to massive landslides that closed the rainforest for months. The national park website said that only La Coca falls and Yokahu Tower were open to visitors, but I found a park ranger who informed me that the Mt. Britton trail was open (and the road to the peak of El Yunque had been cleared as well, though not the cloud forest trail).

As I drove up the mountainside to the Mt. Britton trailhead I was shocked at how open the forest was. When we arrived at the trailhead, my jaw dropped. The canopy had not recovered at all. The palms seemed to be the only trees that survived. I’ve hiked this trail many times, but this was the first time I did not wear a long-sleeve shirt – it was hot and dry. Perhaps the lack of animals shouldn’t have come as a surprise then. I didn’t hear a single coqui call while hiking the trail, where in the past we would hear many different species along the route. I also did not see a single Anolis gundlachi, where before my favorite trick was to tell someone that I could make lizards appear on demand then reach out and snatch one off a tree – they were that common! I did see a handful of Anolis evermanni, but only a few. Below are a couple of before and after photos of the same portions of the trail.

The impacts of hurricanes on wildlife

Recent research has shown that the insect populations of El Yunque have been declining for years, and certainly hurricane Maria did not help this situation. Perhaps the anole and coqui populations have suffered because of a collapse of food resources? Or perhaps the microclimatic shifts were too much for the lizards to handle? Anolis gundlachi does have a strong affinity for cool and moist habitats and it seems quite likely that with the current state of El Yunque, very little suitable climatic habitat exists for this species. Or perhaps the hurricane itself reduced the anole populations. Recent research on Anolis scriptus found that hurricanes can pose strong selective pressures leading to phenotypic change. Whatever the reason for the apparent decline, I am eager to check back in with the lizards in a few months when I visit again and even more eager to hear about the research of those studying herpetofaunal hurricane recovery.

Anolis evermanni in El Yunque

No A. gundlachi to be found at El Yunque 14 months after the hurricane, but quite a few A. evermanni like the one seen here.

Are you studying the effects of hurricanes on lizards? Are you studying the recovery of Puerto Rican herpetofauna after Maria? We would love to hear more about it! Let us know in the comments, or consider contributing a blog post to Anole Annals.

Out of Puerto Rico?: A Puerto Rican Anole Hatchling in Need of an ID

The nursery trade is a known vector for many invasive species including anoles. Anoles have quite the affinity for laying eggs in the moist soil of potted plants, which may then be transported to various locations. Indeed, the nursery trade is the suspected vector for introductions to Hawaii and California of A. carolinensis and A. sagrei and likely accelerated their spread within those states. In fact, citizen scientists on iNaturalist document a reasonable number of brown anoles well outside their normal range. These observations have a distribution that suspiciously coincides with locations of Home Depots and Lowes. However, while the nursery trade is a suspected vector for other species of anoles, verified instances of long-distance transport via the trade are fewer and farther between.

An (as yet) unidentified anole hatchling transported from Puerto Rico to Virginia. From user kimjy3 on iNaturalist.org

One recent observation on iNaturalist documented a hatchling anole that popped out of a potted plant shipped from Puerto Rico as the user unwrapped it…in Alexandria, Virginia. Can anyone on Anole Annals having experience with Puerto Rican anoles and their hatchlings help ID this little one? The user reports that the anole does not have blue eyes; instead they are brown or black.

Feel free to add IDs/comments on the iNaturalist observation as well!

SICB 2018 – Are Anoles Adapting to Hot City Environments?

Urbanization, the creation and spread of urban habitats, is increasing across the world. Species that live in these urban habitats are subject to many alterations in their environment, including changes in food, predators, noise, and light among others. One of the most well-known changes associated with cities is the “Urban Heat Island” effect, where city habitats are hotter than surrounding areas due to increases in pavement and other heat-absorbing materials. For lizards such as anoles, living in this hotter environment could be challenging, as increased heat could reduce time available for foraging for food or defending territories, or, in more serious cases, might even lead to death. Shane Campbell-Staton, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois and the University of Montana, decided to test if anoles were adapting to these hot urban environments, and, if so, what mechanisms were driving this adaptation.

Credit: http://www.ecology.com/2013/07/01/summertime-hot-time-in-the-city/

Cities are hotter than the surrounding landscape.

Shane worked with crested anoles (Anolis cristatellus) from four different areas of Puerto Rico that had both urban and nearby natural environments. He and Kristin Winchell, his coauthor, verified that anoles in these urban habitats did indeed experience hotter conditions, and that, as a result, their body temperatures were also higher than anoles from nearby natural areas. In the lab, Shane found that these city anoles were capable of tolerating higher temperatures than their counterparts from natural areas as well. However, after 8 weeks in the lab, anoles from both types of habitats had similar temperature tolerances. Shane also raised offspring from these anoles under common conditions in the lab and found that these offspring had similar temperature tolerances (thermal limits), regardless of whether they came from urban or natural environments. These results show that anoles can have a plastic response to the thermal conditions in their environment, meaning that the differences Shane and Kristin saw in Puerto Rico are induced by an anole’s exposure to temperatures and are not completely determined by their genes.

Crested anoles (Anolis cristatellus) make use of many human-altered habitats.

Crested anoles (Anolis cristatellus) make use of many human-altered habitats. Photo by Andrew Battles.

Shane, however, continued to explore this question: he wanted to know if the ability, or plasticity, of an anole to alter its thermal tolerance in response to exposure to high urban temperatures was due to changes in its genetic structure. In essence, he wanted to know if anoles had evolved a higher responsiveness (or plasticity) in response to inhabiting hotter, city habitats. To get at this, Shane exposed anoles to both hot and normal temperatures in the lab and looked at their levels of gene expression. Using a transcriptomics approach, Shane could see which genes were activated differently when lizards were exposed to temperatures indicative of city and natural habitats. Shane observed differences in variation in the genes in use at these temperatures. He also found higher levels of differentiation between genes involved in thermal adaptation between lizards from city and natural environments. These exciting results show that living in hotter city environments has selected for lizards which are more able to respond to these hot temperatures when they experience them. Shane is continuing to dig deeper into these data to determine which specific genes may have been altered to understand the mechanisms by which lizards are able to alter their heat tolerances. We’re looking forward to seeing these results at a future conference!

On a side note, Shane will be setting up his own lab at UCLA this year, and he’ll be looking for talented graduate students interested in physiology, adaptation, and genomics. Don’t hesitate to look him up!

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