Anole Annals readers no doubt recall All-America Park, where so many anole species cavort in South Miami. Turns out the city is “cleaning it up” which spells no good for our favorite lizards. Local A-A Park resident Christopher Cooke writes:

“I live next door to All America Park in South Miami (6820 SW 64th. Avenue), a formerly well known habitat for lizards – I’ve met people from everywhere who have come to study the lizards here.  I’m battling the City which is “sanitizing” the park and I’m looking for any information or references (past or present) in  lizard literature which  highlights the importance of this property as a wildlife environment.  My goal is to stop the “sanitizing” l and replant habitat material so as to restore a conducive environment for lizards and other wildlife.  Any help you can offer will be much appreciated.    Christopher Cooke, neighbor of Neil Losin – for those who know him.”

Please make comments on anything that may be useful. Good luck, Christopher!

And while on the topic, here’s a lovely photo by South Miami mayor and neuroethologist extraordinaire Phil Stoddard, taken near the park.

Anolis cristatellus snoozing on a dragonfruit. Photo by Philip Stoddard

Jonathan Losos