On a December 2018 trip to Cuba, we found several species we had difficulty identifying, but a few really have us stumped…  I’m hoping your community of experts can help!

For example, the faint lateral striping in this first pic is confusing us. Is this simply a young sagrei?

  1. Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
  2. Near Playa Larga
  3. Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
  4. Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del Norte
  5.  Playa Larga  – I know it’s not a lizard, but I’m hoping you can help pin down an ID \
  6. Playa Jibacoa, just east of Santa Cruz del NorteThe find of the trip (anole-wise) was A. allisoni – in Playa Larga