Author: Amber Wright

I am hapa-filipina and was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I grew up catching introduced anoles, which through a lot of luck on top of hard work became a career. I am a professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

How Do We Deal with Non-Confirmatory Results?

Fig 1. Photo of some members of the research team on one of our experimental small islands by J. Losos

Thanks to Nick for doing a new research post when our paper “Consumer responses to experimental pulsed subsidies in isolated vs. connected habitats” first came out. Here I want to give some backstory on the road to publication (all views are my own).

This was an epic experiment overall: 52 experimental units, 4+ years, thousands of person-minutes of lizard surveys, thousands of food web stable isotope samples, several tons of seaweed, and one hurricane that washed it all away.

I think the most interesting thing about this paper is that we did not find what we expected.

For some biological background, a meta-analysis (Yang et al. 2010) of largely observational studies found that populations increase the most and the fastest when consumers respond to resource pulses (brief, unpredictable periods of resource superabundance) via both aggregation and reproduction. To test the prediction that without aggregation the numerical response would be slower and smaller, in the current study we manipulated seaweed on mainlands (as in our previous study, e.g., Spiller et al. 2010, Wright et al. 2013) and also on very small islands (Fig. 1) where aggregation on ecological time scales is not possible.

Despite a bigger N this time around, we did not replicate the numerical response on mainlands that we saw in Spiller et al. (2010). In other words, more seaweed did not result in more lizards on mainlands. Conversely, we saw fast and large population gains on small islands. We did replicate the timing and magnitude of the diet shifts, indicating that lizards were consuming the subsidized resources. So whether resource pulses translate into more individuals is context-dependent, even with the same researchers using the same methods with the same species. In the discussion we talk about what could be driving these differences.

Now to my main story with this post: what happens when you have un-tidy, non-confirmatory results? The first reviews at a top tier ecology journal were very positive about the generality of the questions and the realistic temporal and spatial scale of the experiment. We were rejected for not being able to explain the mechanisms; fair enough. However, this same critique would be true even if we had confirmatory results. I don’t think we would have drawn that critique, or at least it would not have had such a large impact on the editorial decision, with confirmatory results. We next tried at a second-tier ecology journal, and were rejected without review.

I was up for the tenure the year this paper was going through the review process. Pretty much the only way the paper would be accepted pre-dossier would be to go back to the first journal and accept their original offer to shunt to their online-only sister journal. I have happily made that call in the past given different trade-offs. In this case, I felt rejection was largely being driven by the non-confirmatory results, which I stubbornly believed did not compromise the quality of the paper. To me, good science is asking good questions (i.e., rooted in theory) with good design; the value of the paper is not predicated on the outcome of the study. I asked some senior profs in my department for advice and got both, “a published paper is better than no paper” and “do what you would have done regardless of tenure.” I went with the latter because at that point I felt one paper was not going to make or break my diverse contributions over the prior five years.

I decided to try next at The American Naturalist for a couple reasons. One, their checklist for authors signals similar values to mine, such as indicating whether the study was pre-registered. Another was that by chance, Dan Bolnick, current EIC, was in my session at the ESA meeting. Dan announced that he would be holding “office hours” to promote submission to AmNat. I had never pitched a paper to an editor before, but this was made easier since (also by chance) I know Dan from grad school.

I gave Dan my 2-minute pitch, emphasizing that we had unexpected results that we couldn’t fully explain. He opened his response with, “I sympathize…”, and I braced for the polite rejection. But he meant that he literally sympathized, because he had a study with confirmatory results published in a high profile journal, but a later replication with more data was non-confirmatory and ended up several tiers down. He encouraged me to submit (with no guarantees of course), and I leaned in hard to our unexpected results and lack of replication, from the cover letter through supplemental material, being as transparent as possible. It was still a tough and long review process, and the paper has several real limitations, but I am gratified that it got into a top journal on its merits as planned, warts and all, without spin.

We haven’t seen the replication crisis in ecology I think for two main reasons. One is that big field experiments like our pulsed subsidies studies are rarely repeated (for lots of reasons), and two because ecologists are very comfortable with context-dependency. But how often is a lack of replication due to real biological differences that are useful to understand (as I argue was the case in our paper) vs. the statistical issues that plague other disciplines? Ecologists are often taught to cope with non-confirmatory results by reframing to “tell the story you have,” which runs the risk of HARKing, one of the four horsemen of the reproducibility crisis. Preferences for confirmatory results help drive these practices. In our study, the questions, hypotheses, and design were essentially pre-registered in the grant that funded the work, and staying committed to a plan regardless of the results is the best defense against the garden of forking paths. 

As for studies rarely being repeated in the first place, I am haunted by a review of restoration studies by Vaughn and Young (2010) that found fewer than 5% of studies were initiated in more than one year, and 76% of studies that did use multiple years found different results in different years. To me this means that we should not inhale too deeply on single studies, we should focus more on replication and less on novelty, and that our inability to replicate some of the results of Spiller et al. 2010 is a feature, not a bug!

If you are interested in learning more about this system, check out Piovia-Scott et al. 2019 which shows that the strength of top-down control by lizards varies predictably over the course of the pulse.





What Do Anoles Get Out of Seaweed Subsidies?


Adult male Anolis sagrei looking out over a pile of seaweed

Aloha, my name is Amber Wright and I’m a first-time poster here on Anole Annals. I did my dissertation on niche variation between native and introduced populations of brown anoles, with field sites in Hawaii, Florida, Little Cayman, and the Bahamas. I will be starting up a new lab at the University of Hawaii, Manoa in January 2014, so look forward to future posts on Anolis vs. Phelsuma, and get in touch if you’re interested in joining the lab!

As covered in previous posts on Anole Annals (e.g. 12), our team has been studying the effects of seaweed subsidies on near-shore food webs in the Bahamas where Anolis sagrei is a key predator. While studies published to date have detailed the effects of seaweed on direct and indirect interactions among lizards, insects, and plants, our most recent paper focuses on how lizards are able to capitalize on seaweed-derived resources.

To briefly summarize the most relevant previously reported lizard results (Spiller et al. 2010), when we added seaweed to experimental plots we found that lizards switched from foraging on terrestrial prey to consuming seaweed detritivores, and that lizard density increased by about 60%. We saw an initial increase in density within the first three months, suggesting that lizards quickly moved into plots to take advantage of the seaweed. However, peak lizard abundance was observed a full year after the initial subsidy, which suggested that a lagged reproductive response could also be contributing to the overall increase in lizards.

We analyzed mark-recapture data from close to 500 individuals over the 20-month experiment to try and figure out how lizards could be turning resource input into reproductive output. We found that subsidized lizards did not survive better or have better body condition than unsubsidized lizards, but they did grow 30% faster.

A 30% faster growth rate may not seem like much of an advantage, but achieving reproductive size sooner could be a big deal in light of some key aspects of anole life history. While A. sagrei can reproduce over much of the year, there is a period of reproductive quiescence during the winter. Having a breeding season coupled with the fact that anoles can reproduce continuously (about an egg a week for A. sagrei) means that when you reach maturity during the breeding season constrains how many eggs you can produce.

We fit a model of individual growth to the mark-recapture data to quantify this effect, and proposed the following scenario shown in Figure 3 from the paper below. Lizards hatching very early in the season reach reproductive size before or near the start of their first breeding opportunity regardless of whether seaweed is present; the difference therefore lays in the lizards that hatch late. Late-hatching lizards without access to seaweed do not reach reproductive size in time to lay any eggs and must survive until the next breeding season to reproduce. Subsidized lizards that hatch late are able to catch up a bit, hitting reproductive size in time to take advantage of at least half of their first breeding season. Averaging egg production over all possible hatch-dates in a year, these growth differences translate into subsidized females laying an average of 16 eggs vs unsubsidized females laying an average of 8 eggs in year one. That’s a doubling in fecundity due to seaweed addition.


Model-estimated growth and reproductive phenology for females born during the study period. This scenario assumes a size at hatching of snout–vent length = 16.5 mm, a one-month incubation time, and that the peak egg-laying period is from May to September (shaded boxes). The dotted line indicates minimum reproductive size (snout–vent length = 34 mm). Growth trajectories follow lizards hatching early (June) and late (October) in the breeding season. Symbols (triangles and circles) mark when lizards reach minimum reproductive size depending on hatch date and whether seaweed was added (solid lines) or removed (dashed lines).

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