Tutorial: How to measure Anolis toepad length and width using ImageJ

As a follow up to my recent posts on lamella scale counts on toepads, I thought I would share a tutorial I created for measuring toepad length and width using the program ImageJ. ImageJ is a free, open-access program that allows you to perform a suite of analyses on pictures or scans. I hope this could be a useful tool for graduate students, as well as research technicians and assistants.

Measuring the width of a Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei) toepad using ImageJ

Measuring the width of a Cuban brown anole (Anolis sagrei) toepad using ImageJ

Tutorial: How to measure Anolis toepad length and width using ImageJ

You can download ImageJ from here.

Feel free to use and distribute as you need! If anyone has any comments, or spots any recommendations or improvements that can be made, then please feel free to contact me.

James T. Stroud


Brown Anole = Horse


Cuban Spider Chows on Brown Anole

1 Comment

  1. Pablo Ortega

    Hi, please, can you explain me if there is it any way to be sure in which part the toepad ends in the anolis digit/finger?

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