Greetings, fellow anole aficionados! One of the new features of Anole Annals is the “Meet The Scientists” page. Thus far, we have populated this page with profiles of each anole researcher featured in our series of short films, The Lizard’s Tale.
The purpose of this section of the website, however, is not just to showcase the scientists who appear in the videos – after all, they’ve had their 15 minutes of fame! Our goal for this page is actually to highlight the large, diverse community of researchers around the world who study Anolis lizards… Particularly (although not exclusively) those who contribute to this website!
Therefore, we’d like to extend an invitation to all anole researchers, particularly those who contribute to Anole Annals, to share their own profile to be featured on the “Meet The Scientists” page.
We use a structured biographic format to ensure consistency among all researchers’ profiles. For your profile, please answer the following questions:
1)    Where do you work, and what do you do?
2)    What aspects of anole biology do you study, and what have you learned?
3)    How and why did you start studying anoles?
4)    What do you love most about studying anoles?
5)    What is your favorite anole species and why?
6)    Where can people learn more about you and follow you online?
(this is where you can provide a URL for a lab website, a personal website, a Twitter and/or Instagram account, etc.)
7)    What is your position and affiliation? (E.g. “Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Virginia”)
And you’ll need to submit one photograph of yourself… Just one, so choose wisely! You can check out the existing researcher profiles here if you want some inspiration.
Please submit your profiles via email to: neil[dot]losin[at]gmail[dot]com. You can attach the text of your profile as a Word document, and include a photo of you (in the field, in the lab, or just a glamorous head shot) as a separate .jpg (please don’t just paste the photo into the Word doc). Images should be a minimum of 350×350 pixels, and you should choose an image that can be cropped to a square format for display on the “Meet The Scientists” page.
Please send me all materials by Sunday, Feb. 16. Once I receive everyone’s profiles, I’ll get them up onto the site. Thank you in advance for your help with this!