More on Anoles Playing Dead, and a Lizard That Loves Watermelon

In response to recent discussion of dead-playing anoles, AA‘s French connection Ludovic recently brought to our attention a video of an A. coelestinus doing the same, while floating in a sink.

And as an extra treat, Youtube then directed the alert viewer to a bonus track of what appears to be a fuzzy A. stratulus going to town on a slice of watermelon.

Jonathan Losos


Evolution of a Lizard Room, Part IV: Crickets


Anoles in the New York Times


  1. Rich Glor

    Ah, the treasures of YouTube.

  2. Natalie Jacewic

    Do A. stratulus eat fruit in the wild as well, or is their default food of choice insects when someone isn’t providing them with a watermelon?

    • Jonathan Losos

      I can’t remember for stratulus specifically, but arboreal anoles tend to opportunistically eat fruit when it’s available. Reminds me of the time I was watching an anole while leaning against a boulder in the Luquillo Mountains rainforest, holding a stopwatch with a red on/off button. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an Anolis evermanni approaching and, sure enough, it jumped on my shoulder, ran down my arm, and started biting at the red knob of the watch, apparently thinking it to be a berry.

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